Alert Status

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Alert Image Alert Status Explanation
Red-alert.gif Double Red Alert Double Red Alert is a rarely used alert signal for extremely dire situations, especially when a nearly instantaneous response is required. A double-red alert is technically equivalent to a Red Alert, except that it conveys a higher sense of urgency. The alarms and lights for a double-red alert are the same as for a standard red alert.
Red-alert.gif Red Alert
Condition Red
Code Red
A Red Alert (also Condition Red or Code Red) is the highest alert signal status on Starfleet vessels, one stage above a Yellow Alert. In this status, weapons systems and shields are brought to full power, as the ship prepares for combat. Red alert is also ordered during various other emergency situations, such as a ship being boarded, radiation exposure, a security alert, massive systems failure, an imminent warp core breach, and an evacuation order among others. During a red alert, lights are dimmed, alarms blare, and computer terminals show constant red graphics.

A red alert may either be activated manually by the Commanding Officer or the officer in charge, or automatically (when a ship is attacked, enters a dangerous area, etc).The raising of shields automatically triggers a red alert.

Yellow-alert.gif Yellow Alert
Condition Yellow
A Yellow Alert or Condition Yellow is the second highest alert signal status on Starfleet vessels, one stage below Red Alert and one stage above a Condition Green. It designates a ship-wide state of increased preparedness for possible crisis situations.

In this status, a ship's defense fields are energized, and/or the deflector shields are brought to full power, however the weapons systems remain off-line. Depending on the situation, the captain may order a reduction in the closing speed between itself and any potential incoming threats.

A yellow alert may either be activated manually by the commanding officer in preparation for a tactical or environmentally hazardous situation, or automatically upon detection of unknown or hostile spacecraft, or upon detection of certain system malfunctions. If the situation escalates, the commanding officer or the main computer will order a red alert.

Yellow alert was not typically ordered in spacedock.

Alert Image Alert Status Explanation
Blue-alert.gif Blue Alert
Condition Blue
Code Blue
Blue Alert (also Code Blue or Condition Blue) was an alert signal status on Starfleet vessels and outposts which is called for in exceptional situations, ranging from environmental hazards to the crew, to docking and separation maneuvers and landing protocols, for ships with the capability.

In the event of an imminent environmental systems failure or disruption, blue alert is called in order to help affected personnel escape or safeguard their lives.

On a vessel with landing capabilities, such as the Intrepid-class, blue alert was called as an indication that the ship was preparing either to land or to take off; the crew would then need to report to code blue stations, in order to aid in the landing/liftoff procedures. Blue alert was not required for landing an Intrepid-class starship, however, as the USS Voyager did make a landing while at red alert.

Green-alert.gif Condition Green Condition green refers to the normal operating condition (cruise mode) of a starship.