Species | Klingon | |
Gender | Male | |
Birthdate (new stardate) | {{{birthdatenew}}} | |
Birthdate (old stardate) | {{{birthdateold}}} | |
Birthplace | Klingon Home World | |
Posting | ||
Rank | Ensign | |
Insignia | ||
Access Code | Delta-One | |
Access Level | 2 | |
SN | 1080801-001-2 | |
Status | Inactive Character | |
Played By | Some emo guy |
Service Record
- 10810.01 Chief Engineering Officer at Kemaris Station
- 10904.29 Removed to inactive
- 10810.01 to Ensign
Personnel Record
- Species:
- Primary Race: Klingon
- Gender: Male
- Age: 62
- Hair Colour: Black
- Eye Colour: Brown
- Height: 1.95 m
- Weight: 110.00 kg
- Other Physical Characteristics: Suffers from a slight limp which only becomes noticeable when he is tired or sore.
- Birthplace: Klingon Homeworld
- Birthdate: 6301.03
- Father: (deceased)
- Mother: (reported missing)
- Siblings: -
- Spouse: -
- Children: -
Family History
He used to be the CTO on a Klingon war ship however after suffering a bad and occasionally recurring leg injury he was deemed unfit to contiune to serve on a warship. He then went back to Starfleet and studied engineering. He has disscused his injury with the admiral and they have decied that he would be up to the rigors of service.