
From Star Trek Equilism

The Betazoids were a telepathic humanoid race from the Alpha Quadrant. They originate from the planet Betazed and are members of the Federation.


Betazoids have had a mostly untroubled history. Since their accession to the Federation they have participated eagerly in diplomatic pursuits as mediators and ambassadors, as well as in the branches of Starfleet. The Dominion occupation of 2374 was a cataclysmic event for the Betazoid society.


Betazoids are externally identical to Humans, with the sole exception of completely black irises. They are able to cross-breed with humans and other humanoid races.

The distinguishing feature of Betazoids is their telepathic ability. The Betazoids have developed a region of the brain called paracortex, which mediates the telepathic abilities with a neurotransmitter called psilosynine. Betazoid telepathic abilities generally manifest in puberty and are subject to the individual's conscious control, except in rare instances of Betazoids born with the abilities active. These unfortunate individuals, who are unable to turn off their telepathic sense, require lifetime counseling and support to survive constant telepathic contact with countless other sentient beings.

Betazoids are able to communicate telepathically with each other and other races possessing telepathic abilities. In certain instances, very close individuals of mainly non-telepathic races, such as a human imzadi, can partake in limited telepathic communication with Betazoids. Contrarily, certain races such as the Ferengi and Breen have brain structures which make them impervious to Betazoid telepathy. Partial Betazoids are often weaker in telepathic gifts, commonly possessing only empathic awareness in lieu of full telepathy.


Betazoid society is a complex hereditary oligarchy, with aristocratic houses at the top of society. In the past, Betazoid society was matriarchal, but has to this day developed into a more egalitarian culture. There is some evidence of a polytheistic religious system, or its cultural conventions, as the Four Deities are sometimes invoked in conversation. Betazoids also traditionally practice arranged marriages by genetically bonding children to each other.

As a consequence of their telepathic society, Betazoids are often brutally honest, as they don't understand the practice of lying for politeness' sake. This outspokenness is often considered rude by other races. However, Betazoids, like other telepathic races, have a strict code of ethics concerning the use of telepathy.


As the Federation Charter forbids caste based discrimination, it is reasonable to infer that the Betazoid doesn't exclude civil or political rights to the nobility, but rather limits the benefits of nobility to titles and social prestige, much like many present-day monarchies.


Betazoid article on Memory Alpha
Imzadi explained on Memory Alpha