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This article is considered a canon article for Star Trek: Equilism. |
The command branch of a starship consists of the Fleet Admiral, Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and an appointed 2nd Officer.
Commanding Officer's Duties
The Captain (term used in this text refers to the position and not the rank) is always held to a higher standard than any other position. The Captain is the mainstay of the crew and is often the barometer of the crew's moral and enthusiasm. It is the responsibility of the Captain to set an example for the crew at all times, both in character and out, by getting the Mission Briefing out and posted on time and getting their logs out and posted before the deadline. The actions of the Captain reflect on the ship/station and the crew and is often the basis of judgment on the caliber of the crew.
In Character
Primary goal is to obtain the mission objective
The mission objective is set in the Mission Orders sent by the Ship Manager at the beginning of each arc. It is up to the Captain to come up with a plan of action to accomplish the goals set out for in the Mission Orders. This objective is the underlying reason for any action taken by the crew and ship and must be achieved if even remotely possible. A reasonable explanation and/or inquiry may be necessary if the mission objective is not met.
Secondary goal is the safety and security of ship and crew
While obtaining the mission objective, the safety of the crew and ship must be kept to the fore, although it is not the primary goal. There will be times when damage to either crew or ship may be necessary to achieve the mission objective, but this course may only be taken when all other options have been exhausted. It is customary that an inquiry will take place upon the death of any crew member or the destruction of a ship.
Direction of senior crew during missions
It is the CO's duty to oversee the crew in coordination with the XO. The CO has the right to countermand any orders given and has the final say whether the ship may open fire upon an enemy. The CO determines the course and speed for flight control. The CO is responsible for the final say on any assignment/order given by another senior staff.
Command of away teams when applicable
While it is often an unwritten practice that the CO does not go on away teams, this has never been set as a directive. It is up to the discretion of the CO whether it is more beneficial for the CO to be on the away team or on the bridge during any given situation. The over riding factor in establishing this is if it is in the interest of achieving the objectives. If the CO is on an away team, the XO will take charge of the bridge. Even while on an away team, the CO may countermand any orders given on the bridge.
Upholding of Starfleet directives
Primary Directive
Starfleet General Order #1 - Prohibits Starfleet personnel and spacecraft from interfering in the normal development of any society, and mandates that any Starfleet vessel or crew member is expendable to prevent violation of this rule.
This is the first and foremost directive and any violation of any of the crew will result in a court martial of the commanding officer and the offending crew member.
Temporal Directive
The Temporal Directive was put into place when Time Travel was discovered possible. Time Travel is strictly prohibited and may only be done under the expressed order of either Starfleet Command or the Temporal Authorities. Under no circumstances may a ship or it's crew do anything that may alter the timeline, even in the event that they find themselves caught in a temporal loop. Extreme caution must be exercised at all times not to disrupt the timeline even if it results in the destruction of the ship and/or crew.
Omega Directive (CAPTAIN'S EYES ONLY)
The Omega Directive supercedes all other directives including the Prime Directive (General Order #1). The Omega Directive is an emergency classified Starfleet protocol relegated only to captains. When a certain substance--the mysterious, dangerous, and powerful molecule known as "Omega"--is detected by the sensors, the captain is alerted by the computer and must follow preplanned Starfleet procedures to destroy the molecule at all costs. Due to the destructive nature of the Omega particle even the Prime Directive is set aside if need be. This molecule has great energy capabilities and great destructive power. In addition to causing destruction on a large scale, it also can cause the destruction of subspace on an even much larger scale, leaving areas of space permanently affected such that traveling through said areas faster than the speed of light becomes impossible. Get a big enough explosion from enough Omega molecules, and an entire quadrant or even galaxy could be affected, ending warp travel and therefore interstellar civilization as the Federation knows it.
Communication with visiting dignitaries and adversaries both on the com. channel and/or in person
The Captain is often the first hand liaison for VIP and other visiting dignitaries. It is custom for the Captain to host a dinner in honor of the guests. During an adversarial situation, the Captain is the one responsible for contact with the adversary in an effort to cease all hostilities. If a face-to-face meeting is required to establish peace then the Captain is the one to attend usually leaving the XO in command of the ship.
Diplomatic/Peace Keeping Missions
The Federation is a peaceful organization that was created for exploration and education. Although it is equipped to police and patrol that is not it's main function. Often times the Captain will find themselves in the role of peace keeper where diplomacy and tact are required. Under no circumstances can the Captain take sides in an internal dispute involving an alien society or species. Humanitarian aid is not considered interference and is acceptable as long as it is given equally to both sides. Under no circumstances can a Captain or any of their crew give, sell or manufacture any kind of weaponry for a disputing side.
First Contact
The Captain represents not only their ship and crew but also the entire Federation and therefore must maintain proper decorum at all times. Part of these duties are first contact communications with newly encountered species. It is up to the Captain to establish if this species meets the qualifications for membership into the Federation and to make their recommendations to Starfleet Headquarters. It is also up to the Captain to ascertain if a newly discovered species meets the requirements for first contact or if the Prime Directive should take effect and passive observance should be established instead.
Final responsibility for any and all actions of crew
The Captain has the final responsibility for any and all actions taken by their crew both on and off duty. If any actions involves the local authorities, it is the Captain's responsibility to run interference and establish the crewmembers guilt and innocence independently. In the case of false imprisonment, it is the Captain's responsibility to negotiate the crewmember's release. If the planetary laws are broken by a crewmember the punishment for that infraction should be placed into effect with the Captain acting as liaison and the representative of Starfleet.
Letters of condolences for the surviving family members of crew killed
The Captain is responsible for writing a letter of condolence to each crewmember's family upon the death of said crewmember. This letter shall contain a brief and discreet description of the final moments and or acts of the crewmember and a few words expressing the Federation's deep sorrow and gratitude for the sacrifice their loved ones gave. Any medals or commendations for the deceased shall be forwarded along with the standard accruements such as a folded Federation flag, the rank insignia of the deceased crew member and a replication of the ship/station or a replica of the ship/station's dedication plaque on which they served. A description of the deceased crewmember's service record and any personal effects shall also be included in a follow up. These ill be gathered together by the first officer and sent after the letters of condolences to the surviving family members of the deceased.
Finalization of crew transfers, awards, promotions and/or disciplinary actions
The Fleet Admiral has the final say in regards to transfers, awards, promotions and/or disciplinary actions. These will be first screened by the SM, CO and XO and then brought to the Fleet Admiral's attention by the CO. In regards to promotions, a review session with the SM, CO and XO and/or the Department Head will be conducted and all factors weighed, but it is the Admiral's final decision that will stand after taking into consideration the recommendations of the SM, CO and XO and /or Department Head. A Admiral may award medals and/or awards without conferring with the SM, CO or XO or anyone else. An Admiral may overrule the disciplinary action taken by the SM, CO or XO or may add additional reports to the crewmember's record. All awards, promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions must be reviewed and finalized by the Fleet Admiral before taking effect.
Second tier for settling disputes between crew members (In character)
The Captain is the second tier in any crewmember disputes after the XO. It is the Captain's responsibility to listen impartially to all sides and make their decision based on facts, not conjecture. it is customary that when appropriate, the XO shall be included in the deliberations and to assist in whatever recommended action is required to settle the dispute. The Captain is responsible for assisting any crewmember in taking their dispute to Starfleet command if the Command staff has failed to settle the dispute.
Out of Character
Liaison between players and SM
The Captain is the first link in the chain of command to the SM. In the event that a player has an issue or a situation, it is the Captain's responsibility to contact the SM and assist in the resolution of the situation.
Warnings and intervention of players who are delinquent in logs/attendance and/or participation during missions
One of the responsibilities of the Captain is to run interference with players that may be having problems with logs/attendance or participation. If necessary, it is the responsibility of the Captain to arrange a meeting with the player, SM and the XO for counseling into the best way to assist the player in resolving the delinquency.
Make sure that each player is tasked at least something during mission (if possible pertaining to the mission)
It is up to the Captain to make sure that each player has some task in each mission and is occupied during the mission. If at all possible the task should relate to the storyline or at least enhance the storyline of the arc. Cross delegation is permissible if one player is not tasked and another is overtasked.
Research and distribution of additional information that might help enhance and further game play (i.e.: Weapons specs and ship specs of opposing ships. Things that would be in the Starfleet database)
It is one responsibility of the Captain to either research or assign research of any additional information needed by the crew for that current arc. The Captain will then gather the materials and distribute it to either all the players on the crew or the ones that the information effects.
Coordinating with SM for distribution of additional information that might be needed in a general way to the players. (i.e.: Description of planets, cultures that the characters are dealing with, etc.)
The Captain will assist the SM in the distribution of specific information pertaining to the storyline. This will also pertain to any NPCs that are assisting in the arc.
Reading of all logs/supplementals and OOMs of the crew
The Captain should read everything submitted by the crew and comment if appropriate.
Evaluation of crew members and recommendations for promotions/demotions or no-action
It is the responsibility of the Captain to arrange a meeting with the XO and SM to discuss crew evaluations on a regular basis and to decide on the appropriate action for each crewmember based on their attendance, participation and attitude both in character and out.
Coordinate with the SM over player disciplinary actions
The Captain is responsible for bringing any discipline problems to the SM's attention and to work with the SM to resolve the situation. In the event the situation can be handled within the command structure, it is the Captain's responsibility to keep the SM informed as to any disciplinary action required/taken.
Be first tier to settle disputes between players
It is the Captain's responsibility to arbitrate any player disputes and keep the SM apprised of the situation. If the Captain is unable to resolve the situation then it is the Captain's responsibility to arrange a meeting with the players and the SM for further arbitration. If the CO and SM are the same person, then the FM will be involved.
Executive Officer's Duties
The Executive Officer is the second in command and must maintain a high standard of excellence. The Executive Officer is selected by the Fleet Admiral and the Captain. They are mentors for the crew and support for the Captain. They provide a solid base and help instill a solid front for the command staff. Many times the Captain will need to rely heavily on the Executive Officer and a relationship of trust and respect between the two is paramount.
In Character
Liaison between the crew and the Captain
If a crew member has a complaint or issue that requires the Captain's attention, it is the XO's responsibility to make sure the report is sent to the Captain after first reviewing the situation and ascertaining that it is a legitimate issue. Often times the XO will accompany the crewmember and attend the meeting between them and the Captain. The XO is also responsible for any follow-up required for this matter. A crew member should always go through the XO instead of confronting the Captain directly.
Conduit for information between crew and Captain
The XO is responsible for conveying the Captain's orders to the crew and making sure they are carried out. The XO is responsible for the distribution of any pertinent information to the crew. Another aspect of the XO's job is to also inform the Captain of anything they need to know that the crew found either through research or sensor data. And also to keep the Captain informed with up-to-date status reports on any given situation.
Ensuring the safety and security of the Captain
The XO is responsible for the safety of the Captain and must ensure their safety at all times, but not to the detriment of the primary goal of the mission. Although an XO may object vigorously against the Captain going into a hostile situation, it is still the Captain's decision to do so. The XO is then responsible to assign security to accompany the Captain and provide the best safety available for the Captain at that time.
Advising the CO and acting as a sounding board
Often times the XO is the only person a Captain has to talk to about a situation. Then it is up to the XO to be a sounding board for the Captain. It is also the XO's primary duty to advise the Captain about any given situation. If the XO disagrees with a Captain's order the XO is well within their rights to object but this should be done in private. It is up to the XO to provide an atmosphere of cooperation and accord within the command staff. Disagreements should never be aired publicly and the XO should support the Captain in all final decisions, regardless of their personal feelings.
Handle the paperwork ensuring that only the forms needing the CO's signature cross the CO's desk
Even in the enlightened 24th century there is paperwork and a large bulk of it lands on the XO's desk. They are responsible for the maintenance and assignment of the entire crew. Although there are many forms that require the Captain's approval and signature, it is part of the XO's duty to prioritize and weed out the superfluous paperwork.
Often times the XO will be called upon to stand in for the Captain when the Captain is otherwise engaged. Then they will assume all of the duties and responsibilities that would go with the position. If there is a 2nd Officer on board, the 2nd would then assume all of the duties and responsibilities of the XO. Additional mission briefings if on an away team, the Captain is on an away team or the Captain is unavailable. The XO is responsible for creating a mission brief if the Captain is on an away team, if the XO is on an away team or the Captain is otherwise engaged and unable to brief the senior staff. The briefing will include instructions and tasks for those crew members that under the XO's jurisdiction at the time. This may be only a small portion that are on assignment with the XO or it may be the entire senior staff.
Command of away teams when applicable
The XO is often the command officer on away teams. The XO is responsible for selecting which crew they will take although the Captain has the final say. While on an away team, it is the XO's responsibility to designate and achieve the away team's primary mission goal while maintaining the highest Starfleet standard and adhering to all regulations and restrictions. While on an away team, the XO assumes responsibility for any and all actions and conduct of those crew members that are assigned to the away team. It is at the XO's discretion whether the Captain is needed at the site of the away team to achieve the primary mission goal. If there is a 2nd Officer on board, the 2nd would then assume all of the duties and responsibilities of the XO during the XO's absence.
The XO is quite often found on the bridge assuming command of all bridge crew and functionality while the Captain is otherwise engaged. It is at the XO's discretion in any situation if it requires the Captain's presence or not. In that event it is the XO's responsibility to contact and inform the Captain of the situation. Otherwise it is the XO's responsibility to handle the situation in accordance to Starfleet standards, rules and regulations. If there is a 2nd Officer on board, the 2nd would then assume all of the duties and responsibilities of the XO.
Be first tier to settle disputes between crew members. (In character only)
It is one of the XO's tasks to intervene and resolve any disputes or issues between crew members. In the case that the situation cannot be settled, it is the XO's responsibility to bring all of the facts to the Captain and present them in an unbiased manner. It is then the XO's duty to follow-up with the solution devised by the Captain and to maintain a watch on the situation to see that it does not crop up again.
Be first tier for disciplinary actions for crew members (In character only)
The XO is the first tier in disciplinary actions for crew members. If there is a situation that requires the Captain's involvement, it is the XO's responsibility to present the facts in an unbiased manner and advise the Captain on a course of action. It is then the XO's responsibility to follow through and administer the punishment that was decreed by the Captain.
Out of Character
Keep accurate records of when crew evaluations are due
It is the XO's responsibility to maintain when the crew has their evaluations and to inform the Captain when the crew is due for their next one. Again, this task may be delegated out to another crew member but it is the XO's responsibility to keep a check on the accuracy and completion of these records.
Fill in for the Captain's out of character duties during the Captain's absence
In the event that the Captain is absent, the XO will resume all out of character duties and responsibilities of the Captain until the Captain returns and assumes the position again. If this should occur and there is a 2nd officer, the 2nd officer shall take over the out of character duties and responsibilities of the XO.
Help with evaluation of crew members and recommendations for promotions/demotions or no-action
The XO shall help conduct the crew evaluations along with the Captain and the SM. There they will discuss and advise the Captain on whether a player deserves a promotion, a demotion or a no-action.
Second Officer's Duties
Many crews have a 2nd Officer even though it is not an official ST:EQ position. The 2nd Officer is selected by the Fleet Admiral, the Captain and the XO and the position is often used as a training position for command. The selection of the 2nd Officer is based on the current record of the player and the potential for the player and character to assume command. The 2nd Officer will still maintain their current position and rank. As with the Captain and the XO, the 2nd Officer must maintain the highest standard at all times.
In Character
The 2nd Officer will assume all in character duties and responsibilities of the XO if the XO is unavailable, absent or has assumed the duties and responsibilities of the Captain.
Out of Character
The 2nd Officer will assume all out of character duties and responsibilities of the XO if the XO is unavailable, absent or has assumed the duties and responsibilities of the Captain.
Third Officer's Duties
A third officer is an officer of a starship that is fourth in line of command of the vessel after the captain, first officer, and second officer. In Starfleet, the position is generally filled by a Lieutenant Commander or Lieutenant. The tactical officer or chief engineer is sometimes given this position. As with the second officer, the third officer was a department head first and third officer second.
The third officer it is not an official ST:EQ position. The 3rd Officer is selected by the Fleet Admiral, the Captain and the XO and the position is often used as a training position for command. The selection of the 3rd Officer is based on the current record of the player and the potential for the player and character to assume command. The 3rd Officer will still maintain their current position and rank. As with the Captain and the XO, the 2nd Officer must maintain the highest standard at all times.
Chain of Command (Command Staff only)
In Character
The Fleet Admiral has authority over every aspect of the game.
The Captain has authority over every person on their ship/station until they are relieved from command.
The XO has authority over every member of the crew.
The 2nd officer has authority over the people within their department and only when standing in for the XO do they have authority over the entire crew
The only officers that have authority over the Captain is the CMO or the CNS or any higher ranked officer. If either one of them think that there is due cause...then they can relieve the Captain from duty and the XO will become the Acting Captain until the Captain is deemed fit to command again. The same can be done for the XO with the 2nd standing in as Acting XO.
This should only be done as a last resort as the CMO or the CNS will have to justify their actions to Starfleet Command.
Out of Character
Generally only the Captain and the SM have any say in out of character matters with the GM as the ultimate authority.
Orders on the bridge
There is a definitive but fine line in the Chain of Command on the bridge and often times that line gets blurred in the midst of a crisis. Different situations call for different command structures, although the Captain is always the final word on any given order.
Relieving the standing Bridge Officer
When an officer is placed in command of the bridge by either the Fleet Admiral, the Captain, the XO or the 2nd Officer they retain that command unless they relinquish it to a higher rank or are relieved by either the 2nd Officer, the XO, the Captain or the Fleet Admiral. If an officer is placed in command, a higher ranking officer that is not a part of the command staff cannot relieve that officer, no matter what the standing bridge officer's rank or position. It is customary for the junior officer to offer command to the ranking officer and it is customary that unless there is a pressing need the senior officer will decline the offer and let the junior officer continue their watch.
Orders in Battle
During a battle, time is of the essence so the normal issuance of orders is usually suspended. During normal operations the Captain will often give an order either directly or indirectly and leave it up to the XO to make certain it is carried out. During a battle the Captain will always give an order directly to whichever officer the order pertains to, bypassing the XO. The XO will pay close attention and fill in any gaps that may occur during this hectic time. For example: The Captain may be issuing orders for the FCO to fly a certain evasive maneuver while the XO instructs the CTO to raise shields. They must always work as a team, complimenting each other in a show of unity. At all times the XO must defer to the Captain, although they are not only encouraged but expected to give their advice and insights to the best solution to the situation. Advice the Captain is expected to take into consideration.
The one cardinal rule is...only the Captain may give the order to fire weapons. Regardless of the situation and what anyone on the bridge may think is the correct action. The order to fire must always originate from the Captain or the XO if the Captain is injured and cannot take command. There are times when the Captain may order the CTO to 'fire at will' or 'fire at your discretion'. In this event, the CTO may fire whenever they think it is the most opportune time without waiting for an order each time.
Likewise the FCO can continue evasive maneuvers at their discretion if ordered to take evasive action without a particular maneuver being dictated.
Countermanding orders
The XO may countermand any order given by any officer except for the Captain. The Captain, of course, can countermand any orders given on the ship regardless of who gave them, unless the Captain is deemed unfit by medical or the CNS for some reason and is temporarily relieved of command. Even if an Admiral is on board visiting, the Captain is still in charge and may countermand any order the Admiral gives to any of the crew (although it is not advisable without a darn good reason).
In the case where an officer was given two conflicting orders by two superior officers except for the 2nd, XO or CO, the officer must obey the most senior officer. If that is not distinguishable, then the officer may take their case to the XO for arbitration. If an order was given that contradicted Starfleet rules and regulations or was immoral, then the officer may refuse to obey without fear of prosecution. but they must be able to prove that the order went against the rules, regulations and policies of Starfleet.
If it is questionable then they may take their concerns to the XO or the Captain. Generally though, unless the Captain and/or the XO are under the influence of some Alien entity or are ill, the officer usually follows the order, trusting that their commanding officers have a good reason for the order and will not betray them
Rewarding good effort
The SM evaluates the players and determine whether they are entitled to a promotion or not. There are various factors that come into play:
Mission Attendance
Quality of Game Interaction
Character Attitude
Player Attitude
There are 3 actions that can be taken. A promotion, a demotion or a 'no action'.
Note: It is possible that there may be an outstanding player that deserves promotion but their character may not due to some action they had their character do. The promotion is primarily for the character...not the player. It is deemed a courteous gesture that when this situation arises a personal letter from the Captain explaining that they are aware that the player is is their character that is not getting the promotion. Most times, when a player deliberately makes their character conduct inappropriate actions they are aware of the consequences.
Once the decision has been made the SM will apply the appropriate action to the player's character file.
All promotions must be reviewed and finalized by the Fleet Admiral before taking effect.
Disciplining poor effort
Unfortunately there are times when poor effort by a player must be addressed. It is the Captain's and the XO's duty to try and intervene before disciplinary action is taken. If it is an in character problem then the matter should be taken up solely in character. Any out of character problems should be addressed out of character and privately between the command staff and the player. The SM should be kept informed of any situation and if necessary, should be included in any discussions with the player. Never should a player be disciplined in public before the rest of the other players.
All disciplinary actions must be reviewed and finalized by the Fleet Admiral before taking effect.
Verbal reprimands
In Character
If a member of the crew needs a verbal reprimand, it is the XO's duty to conduct it in private with the crewmember. This may be done in the Captain's Ready Room if the Captain is not using it or the Briefing Room. If the XO deems it necessary, the Captain may be included in the discussion.
Out of Character
If a player requires a verbal reprimand it should be conducted in a privately with that player by the Captain, with the XO and the SM included.
Written Reprimands
In Character
If a member of the crew warrants a written letter of reprimand, it is the XO's duty to draw one up and present it to the Captain for review. Then the Captain will forward it to the Fleet Admiral (GM) for approval for it to be placed in the crewmember's file (character's file). The letter should state exactly what the reason for the reprimand is and the outcome of that action.
Out of Character
The Captain may send a letter to the player with a copy going to the SM and the XO. This is for player actions only. The SM may decide to become involved or not depending on the situation. The Captain is well within their rights to discuss the situation with the XO and the SM first before taking this action. Depending on the severity of the undesirable behavior, the Captain may send comments to the SM which, upon approval by the SM, can be posted into the player's comments.
Often times a player may have their character purposely display conduct unbecoming of an officer or have them perform some action that warrants a demotion. This should be brought to the Captain by the XO. If the action warrants a demotion, a report will be written by the Captain and sent to the Fleet Admiral (GM). Upon the Fleet Admiral's approval the SM will enter the demotion into the character's file and drop them to the next lowest rank.
It is courtesy for the Captain to address the player and double-check that they are aware that their character's actions can result in a demotion. Often times the player is unaware that one of the consequences may be a demotion for their character. If that is the case, often times a reprimand will be issued and placed in the character's file instead of the demotion.
All disciplinary actions must be reviewed and finalized by the Fleet Admiral before taking effect.
Various Punishments
In Character
There are certain punishments that a senior officer can assign to lower ranking crew members. If the crewmember thinks they are being treated unfairly by the senior officer they have the right to take their case to the XO. If the senior officer is the XO or the Captain, the crewmember must complete the punishment regardless of their feelings about the matter. Following is a few examples of punishments. This is in no way a definitive list but just a reference:
Confined to quarters for a period of time.
Assigned extra duty.
Transferred to an undesirable duty for a period of time.
Time in the Brig.
Loss of privileges (eg holodeck).
Loss of shore leave
Out of Character
Usually all out of character punishments are conducted by the Captain, SM and the XO together in agreement. These may be anything from suspension for one or two missions up to complete expulsion from the ship/station. If expulsion is decided then it is taken completely out of the Captain's and XO's hands and dealt with by the SM through their chain of command.
All disciplinary actions must be reviewed and finalized by the Fleet Admiral before taking effect.
Court-Martial offences
In the event that an accusation is made against an officer in ST:EQ, the following guidelines are to be followed to the letter unless there are mitigating circumstances. Although all ST:EQ Captains can call for an investigation of personnel under their command, most ranking officers prefer to conduct their own inquiries and submit their own subordinates for court martial.
Accusations of misconduct on the part of a Starfleet Command officer shall be made promptly in writing to the immediate Commanding Officer of the accusing officer.
• Any officer of the rank Captain or higher can submit a subordinate for immediate court martial (though frivolously abusing this right is itself a court martial offense)
• The commanding officer shall immediately thereafter forward the accusation to the SM.
• An investigator is assigned to the case to gather information and to determine if court martial proceedings are warranted. If no investigator is available to conduct an investigation, it falls to the highest-ranking officer to appoint an investigator-normally the Head of Security.
• Once the investigator has deemed that there is adequate evidence, a court martial is convened.
• As part of the formal order of court martial, the presiding representative of the SM nominates both a prosecuting advocate and an advocate for the defense.
• If no suitable advocates are available, the SM can nominate any available ST:EQ officer as ad hoc advocates.
• The accused always have the right to refuse the nominated defense advocate and either serves as his/her own advocate or appoint an eligible officer of their choice.
• A panel of three judges presides over the proceedings, usually members of ST:EQ staff and Commanding Officers of ships. If none are available, the SM typically appoints an ad hoc judge-the highest-ranking officer available.
• Only officers ranked Captain or higher can serve as judges, and no officer with an obvious conflict of interest, such as friendship, is allowed to serve.
• If possible the representative who signs the order for court martial appoints a full three-judge panel.
• The accused has the right to request orally on the record or in writing, a trial by military judge alone (without members). Before choosing to be tried by judge alone, an accused is entitled to know who the judge will be. The trial counsel (prosecutor) may argue against a request for a judge-alone trial when presented. The judge rules on the request and, if the request is granted, the court members are dismissed for that case only.
Court-Martial procedures
Procedurally, a court martial is handled very much like a civilian criminal trial. Both sides make their opening statements. The prosecution presents it's witnesses and any evidence. The defense makes it's case. Each side has the right to cross-examine the witnesses presented by the other side. Each side then makes it's closing statement. Unlike civilian trials court martial proceedings to not employ juries; guilt or innocence is determined by the panel of judges.
All officers of ST:EQ found guilty of an offense may either accept and agree to the specifications of charges lodged against them or they may request an appeal.
• To file your appeal you must make a submission to the Fleet Admiral.
• Once a matter has been submitted to the Fleet Admiral there is no turning back, all matters in the hands of the Fleet Admiral will follow the appropriate course until a verdict is set down.
• Once the Fleet Admiral has received an application, it shall set a hearing date and then it will proceed with its rules of conduct, which are itemized in the policies section.
• At this time the officer charged with an offense shall not use the ST:EQ name in game and shall be temporarily suspended of all rank and privileges until such a time as the Fleet Admiral has handed down its verdict.