USS Oppenheimer

From Star Trek Equilism

USS Oppenheimer

Registry NCC-72390
Class Nova Class
Launched 2372
Home Base
Status NPC
Location Alpha Quadrant
Affiliation Starfleet

Ship History

USS Oppenheimer was one of several dozen vessels of the Nova Class launched in earnest between 2370 and 2375 to replace older scout and science vessels during the prelude to and the onset of the Dominion War.

Oppenheimer was fielded as a replacement for USS Istari, an Oberth Class science ship that had finally been retired after 120 years in service. The entire Nova Class was designed to modernize the science ships serving in Starfleet. Oppenheimer served as a scout and destroyer for most of the Dominion War, returning to a more conventional role in peacetime.

Oppenheimer was the last post of Arikk Kutter before his assignment to Kemaris Station as Chief Operations Officer